Thursday, October 8, 2009

The importance of medical histories

55 year old male received audiometric test: plh 14.3. The graphic indicated that he suffered from noise-induced hearing loss. He was working for the current employer only a year, so the question then is where he suffered this hearing loss.

An occupational health history, indicating exposure to hazards and duration of said exposure is very important, because you must ascertain where the damage occured. Therefore an entry and exit medical examination is vital, as this can indemnify your company from possible claims arising from employees' occupational injuries occurring elsewhere.

Some updates:

- We were recently commissioned to perform medical tests on the applicants for the 2010 FIFA World Cup official drivers. Medicals included ECG's, cholesterol tests, drug testing, audiometry, lung-function, special vision screening, physical examination and occupational and medical histories. We were working under the direction of an Occupational Medical Practitioner.

- We performed audiometric tests for Paarl Media Group in beautiful Paarl, being surrounded by vineyards and lovely countryside.

Our mobile clinic truck, affectionately called "Melady", decided to give us a teabreak at the friendly Dunlop service centre across the road... the flat tyre was seen to efficiently and we were on our way again soon.

- "Melady" is currently receiving a face-lift from panel-beaters and by next week she will sport brand new look, with brand new signage, botox, nip and tuck!

Till next time.

Fw: Why an occupational history is important

----- Original Message -----
From: Nellie Nel
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: Why an occupational history is important

55 year old male received audiometric test: plh 14.3. The graphic indicated that he suffered from noise-induced hearing loss. He was working for the current employer only a year, so the question then is where he suffered this hearing loss.
An occupational health history, indicating exposure to hazards and duration of said exposure is very important, because you must ascertain where the damage occured. Therefore an entry and exit medical examination is vital, as this can indemnify your company from possible claims arising from employees' occupational injuries occurring elsewhere.
Some updates:
- We were recently commissioned to perform medical tests on the applicants for the 2010 FIFA World Cup official drivers. Medicals included ECG's, cholesterol tests, drug testing, audiometry, lung-function, special vision screening, physical examination and occupational and medical histories. We were working under the direction of an Occupational Medical Practitioner.
- We performed audiometric tests for Paarl Media Group in beautiful Paarl, being surrounded by vineyards and lovely countryside.
Our mobile clinic truck, affectionately called "Melady", decided to give us a teabreak at the friendly Dunlop service centre across the road... the flat tyre was seen to efficiently and we were on our way again soon.
- "Melady" is currently receiving a face-lift from panel-beaters and by next week she will sport brand new look, with brand new signage, botox, nip and tuck!
Till next time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why an occupational history is important

55 year old male received audiometric test: plh 14.3. The graphic indicated that he suffered from noise-induced hearing loss. He was working for the current employer only a year, so the question then is where he suffered this hearing loss.
An occupational health history, indicating exposure to hazards and duration of said exposure is very important, because you must ascertain where the damage occured. Therefore an entry and exit medical examination is vital, as this can indemnify your company from possible claims arising from employees' occupational injuries occurring elsewhere.
Some updates:
- We were recently commissioned to perform medical tests on the applicants for the 2010 FIFA World Cup official drivers. Medicals included ECG's, cholesterol tests, drug testing, audiometry, lung-function, special vision screening, physical examination and occupational and medical histories. We were working under the direction of an Occupational Medical Practitioner.
- We performed audiometric tests for Paarl Media Group in beautiful Paarl, being surrounded by vineyards and lovely countryside.
Our mobile clinic truck, affectionately called "Melady", decided to give us a teabreak at the friendly Dunlop service centre across the road... the flat tyre was seen to efficiently and we were on our way again soon.
- "Melady" is currently receiving a face-lift from panel-beaters and by next week she will sport brand new look, with brand new signage, botox, nip and tuck!
Till next time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Recent Height Medicals

Physical disabilities like monocular vision can cause injuries. If it was professional driver, the Road and Traffic Regulation state that such a person must have peripheral vision in both eyes, but in this case, his occupation is of such a nature that there is no legal restriction and in 30 years his healthy eye adapted well and he is able to perform his job safely.

Also, our company's web domain has been registered as . You can still reach us at as well.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Organic fertilizer business

The beauty of mobile occupational health is traveling to different industries, even beautiful farms. Neutrog, a farm outside Philadelphia, produce organic fertilizer. Medical examinations is conducted on the factory farm workers annualy.

The Value of a Height Medical

Balance reflex test: left side, normal function.

Unable to lift left leg, due to hip injury, causing him to lose his balance.

This disability is a serious safety hazard for a person working on heights, such as scaffolding.

If a height medical was not conducted on this worker, serious accidents could have happened, but since he has been declared restricted from working on heights, this has been avoided.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Clubbed Fingers

This is a great example of clubbed fingers. It is often associated with chronic pulmonary illness, cyonitic heart disease, sub-acute bacterial endocarditis or ulcerative colitis.

This patient was a 50-year old female presenting with TB-symptoms, a chest X-ray was done, showing infiltration of the upper lobes. The radiologist suggested TB. The patient was referred to the clinic where the TB doctor re-X-rayed her chest, and found it not to be a case of TB. Sputum tested negative and the patient was referred to medical out-patients at tertiary hospital.

At present she is still presenting with TB-symptoms and was exposed to an infected patient. She is a long time smoker, also suggesting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a possibility.

This condition was detected during occupational health medical surveillance (baseline medical examination). It is important to know the reason for her condition, to prevent a deterioration in her condition due to possible exposure at her workplace, or in case of a bacterial tuberculosis, spreading to other workers.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Machine Operators tested

On Saturday we had to do some medicals at our resident site, Wilson's Transport, De Beer Street, Sacks Circle, Bellville South, for a client whose machine operators are spread out over the Cape Peninsula and not able to be at one site during the workweek. In such instances we have the client bring the patients to our resident site for tests:
Snellen test...
One of the clerks confirming some information on the patient's medical history.
BMI's were calculated...
Blood-pressures are monitored...
Audiometry testing taking place.
Spirometry (lung function test) is an essential part of medical surveillance. Tests are captured with specialized software and equipment, directly to laptop for quick reference and archiving.
Chest examination for abnormalties in the heart and lungs.
Special vision screening is required by the Road and Traffic regulations for operators
Well-controlled blood sugar levels are essential for fitness to work and should be monitored.
Despite the cold weather, we had lots of fun, practicing our Xhosa, and ensuring a healthy workforce!
Contact Sr. Nel at  for further information on medicals.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some of the first images of a recent job

Explaining the lung-function test to the patient...
The patient completing the test...

Patient about to start audiometry testing...

Soundproof booth for testing

All we need is 220V power.

The Indusmed mobile unit, containing all the facilities to do lung-function tests, audiometry tests, general medical tests and vision screenings.
Contact Sr. Nel at to book your medicals!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Prepare for some interesting tidbits from our experience, research and tips for a safe and productive work environment.

Watch this space!